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The Radon-Wigner Transform in Analysis, Design, and Processing of Optical Signals

Furlan, Walter D.  -  Saavedra, Genaro
Phase Space Optics: Fundamentals and Applications | Issue Chapter 4, pp. 107-163, year 2009

Opto-digital tomographic reconstruction of the Wigner distribution function of complex fields

Soriano, Carlos  -  Furlan, Walter D.  -  Saavedra, Genaro
APPLIED OPTICS | Vol. 22, Issue 47, pp. E63-E67, year 1 August 2008

Testing theoretical models of magnetic damping using an air track

Monsoriu, Juan A.  -  Vidaurre, Ana  -  Riera, Jaime  -  Gimenez, Marcos H.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS | Vol. 29, pp. 335-343, year 2008doi: 10.1088/0143-0807/29/2/014

Tunneling in quantum superlattices with variable lacunarity

Monsoriu, Juan A.  -  Villatoro, Francisco R.
PHYSICS LETTERS A. | Vol. 372, pp. 3801-3807, year 2008

Visualizing the Doppler Effect

Monsoriu, Juan A.  -  Vidaurre, Ana  -  Riera, Jaime  -  Gimenez, Marcos H.
LAT. AM. J. PHYS. EDUC. | Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 37-39, year January 2008

Broadband focused waves with compensated spatial dispersion: transverse versus axial balance

Minguez Vega, Gladys  -  Andres, Pedro  -  Lancis, Jesus  -  Monsoriu, Juan A.  -  Zapata Rodriguez, Carlos J.
OPTICS LETTERS | Vol. 7, Issue 32, pp. 853-855, year 1 April 2007

Devil's lenses

Furlan, Walter D.  -  Saavedra, Genaro  -  Monsoriu, Juan A.  -  Gimenez, Fernando
OPTICS EXPRESS | Vol. 21, Issue 15, pp. 13858-13864, year 17 October 2007

Diffraction by fractal metallic supergratings

Skigin, Diana C.  -  Furlan, Walter D.  -  Monsoriu, Juan A.  -  Depine, Ricardo A.
OPTICS EXPRESS | Vol. 24, Issue 15, pp. 15628-15636, year 26 November 2007

Diseno de lentes difractivas fractales

Gimenez, Fernando  -  Monsoriu, Juan A.  -  Furlan, Walter D.  -  Andres, Pedro
ALGUNAS CUESTIONES SOBRE CIENCIA | pp. 229- 237, year 2007

Introductory Quantum Physics Courses Using a LabVIEW Multimedia Module

Orquin, Ismael  -  Monsoriu, Juan A.  -  Fernandez de Cordoba, Pedro  -  UrchueguĂ­a, Javier F.  -  Garcia March, Miguel Angel
C.A.E.E. | Vol. 15, pp. 124-133, year 2007

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[UPV NEWS] I Premios Investigacion UPV. La UPV reconoce a su personal mas sobresaliente en la I edicion de los Premios de Investigacion

[INFORUVID] Francis Mojica, Jose Capmany, Juan Antonio Monsoriu y Francisco Casacuberta, grandes premiados

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Comparative Study of Numerical Methods for Solving the Fresnel Integral in Aperiodic Diffractive Lenses

Multiplexed vortex beam-based optical tweezers

Optical performance of a new design of trifocal intraocular lens based on the Devil's diffractive lens