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Articles in this site can be downloaded for personal use only. Prior permission from the author or/and the publisher is required for any other purpose.

Unisolvency for multivariate polynomial interpolation in Coatmelec configurations of nodes

Garcia March, Miguel Angel  -  Gimenez, Fernando  -  Villatoro, Francisco R.  -  Perez, Jezabel  -  Fernandez de Cordoba, Pedro
Applied Mathematics and Computation | Issue 217, pp. 7427-7431, year 2011

Undergraduate experiment with fractal diffraction grating

Monsoriu, Juan A.  -  Furlan, Walter D.  -  Pons, Amparo  -  Barreiro, Juan C.   -  Gimenez, Marcos H.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS | Issue 32, pp. 687-694, year 2011

Self-similar focusing with generalized devil's lenses

Casanova, Cristina  -  Furlan, Walter D.  -  Remon, Laura  -  Calatayud, Arnau  -  Monsoriu, Juan A.  -  Mendoza-Yero, Omel
J. OPT. SOC. AM. A. | Vol. 2, Issue 28, pp. 210-213, year 2011

Difract: Un nuevo laboratorio virtual para la modelizacion matematica de las propiedades de difraccion de redes fractales

Gimenez, Marcos H.  -  Monsoriu, Juan A.  -  Gimenez, Fernando  -  Pons, Amparo  -  Barreiro, Juan C.   -  Furlan, Walter D.
Modelling in Science Education and Learning | Vol. 17, Issue 4, pp. 223-229, year 2011

Developing computer use skills for problem solving in engineering students from the rst year physics course

Castro Palacio, Juan Carlos  -  Velazquez Abad, Luisberis  -  Crespo Madera, Elio  -  Monsoriu, Juan A.
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Fisica | Vol. 3, Issue 33, pp. 3313-11, year 2011

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[UPV NEWS] I Premios Investigacion UPV. La UPV reconoce a su personal mas sobresaliente en la I edicion de los Premios de Investigacion

[INFORUVID] Francis Mojica, Jose Capmany, Juan Antonio Monsoriu y Francisco Casacuberta, grandes premiados

[Newspaper Cup] Researchers have designed the first totally transparent trifocal corneal inlay


Comparative Study of Numerical Methods for Solving the Fresnel Integral in Aperiodic Diffractive Lenses

Multiplexed vortex beam-based optical tweezers

Optical performance of a new design of trifocal intraocular lens based on the Devil's diffractive lens