Developing computer use skills for problem solving in engineering students from the rst year physics course
Usually one can ?nd three subjects in the ?rst year of the syllabus of any technical engineering career, namely,
calculus, general physics and programming. Being physics a matter lying on the grounds of technical engineering
it becomes naturally appropriate to introduce the use of calculus and programming as useful tools in the context
of a physics problem. This can be accomplished by moving some Practical Classes of Physics (problem solving)
into the computer pool and by reformulating the physics problems in order to make them more appropriate for
this kind of approach. In this environment, students put together, for instance, programming tools and numerical
methods, along with the physical laws in order to address more realistic models, di?erent from those which can
usually be treated on the blackboard. This kind of computational physics problems increases the motivation of
the engineering students by embedding them into sceneries whose models are closer to those real problems they
will be facing later in their professional and scienti?c life. This is particularly relevant for the ?rst year of the
engineering careers when the development of this kind of professional skills is usually skipped. In the present
work we will illustrate these ideas by means of the known problem of “The motion of a body subject to air drag
force”. The basic ideas of this work have been experienced in the physics course of ?rst year undergraduate
students of telecommunication and electronics engineering of Pinar del R´?o University, Cuba in 2010.