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Volumetric multiple optical traps produced by Devil's lenses

Furlan, Walter D.  -  Gimenez, Fernando  -  Calatayud, Arnau  -  Remon, Laura  -  Monsoriu, Juan A.
JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN OPTICAL SOCIETY | Issue 5, pp. 10037S(5), year September 2010

Volumetric multiple optical traps produced by Devil's lenses

JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN OPTICAL SOCIETY | Issue 5, pp. 10037S(5), year September 2010

Volumetric multiple optical traps produced by Devil's lenses

JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN OPTICAL SOCIETY | Issue 5, pp. 10037S(5), year September 2010

Multifractal Zone Plates

Gimenez, Fernando  -  Furlan, Walter D.  -  Calatayud, Arnau  -  Monsoriu, Juan A.
J. OPT. SOC. AM. A. | Vol. 8, Issue 27, pp. 1851-1855, year August 2010

Interaccion de los laseres con los tejidos oculares

Casanova, Cristina  -  Remon, Laura
Gaceta Optica | Vol. 453, Issue 453, year 2010

Estudio comparativo de la calidad optica de lentes intraoculares

Remon, Laura  -  Casanova, Cristina
OPTIMODA | pp. 4-7, year 2010

A Virtual Laboratory Designed For Teaching Di ffractive Lenses

Gimenez, Fernando  -  Monsoriu, Juan A.  -  Furlan, Walter D.  -  Pons, Amparo
Modelling in Science Education and Learning | Vol. 3, Issue 3, pp. 31-39, year 2010

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Optical performance of a new design of trifocal intraocular lens based on the Devil's diffractive lens