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Articles in this site can be downloaded for personal use only. Prior permission from the author or/and the publisher is required for any other purpose.

The study of two-dimensional oscillations using a smartphone acceleration sensor: example of Lissajous curves

Tuset-Sanchis, Luis  -  Castro Palacio, Juan Carlos  -  Gomez-Tejedor, J.A.  -  Manjon, F.J.  -  Monsoriu, Juan A.
PHYSICS EDUCATION | Vol. 50, Issue 5, pp. 580-586, year 2015doi: 10.1088/0031-9120/50/5/580

Multifocal intraocular lenses with fractal geometry

Remon, Laura  -  Furlan, Walter D.  -  Monsoriu, Juan A.
ÓPTICA PURA Y APLICADA | Vol. 48, Issue 1, pp. 1-8, year 2015doi: 10.7149/OPA.48.1.1

Guiding Properties of a Photonic Quasi-Crystal Fiber Based on the Thue-Morse Sequence

Ferrando, Vicente  -  Coves, Angela  -  Andres, Pedro  -  Monsoriu, Juan A.
IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS | Vol. 27, Issue 18, pp. 1903-1906, year 2015doi: 10.1109/LPT.2015.2444991

Frequency Analyser: A New Android Application for High Precision Frequency Measurement

COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION | Vol. 23, Issue 3, pp. 471-476, year 2015doi: 10.1002/cae.21618

Diffraction by m-bonacci gratings

Monsoriu, Juan A.  -  Gimenez, Marcos H.  -  Furlan, Walter D.  -  Barreiro, Juan C.   -  Saavedra, Genaro
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS | Vol. 36, pp. 056005, year 2015doi: 10.1088/0143-0807/36/6/065005

Designing a new test for contrast sensitivity function measurement with iPad

Rodriguez-Vallejo, M  -  Remon, Laura  -  Monsoriu, Juan A.  -  Furlan, Walter D.
JOURNAL OF OPTOMETRY | Vol. 8, pp. 101-108, year 2015

Characterizing the movement of a falling rigid rod

Gomez-Tejedor, J.A.  -  Monsoriu, Juan A.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS | Vol. 36, pp. 055036, year 2015doi: 10.1088/0143-0807/36/5/055036

Bifractal focusing and imaging properties of Thue-Morse Zone Plates

Ferrando, Vicente  -  Gimenez, Fernando  -  Furlan, Walter D.  -  Monsoriu, Juan A.
OPTICS EXPRESS | Vol. 23, Issue 15, pp. 19846, year 2015doi: 10.1364/OE.23.019846

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[UPV NEWS] I Premios Investigacion UPV. La UPV reconoce a su personal mas sobresaliente en la I edicion de los Premios de Investigacion

[INFORUVID] Francis Mojica, Jose Capmany, Juan Antonio Monsoriu y Francisco Casacuberta, grandes premiados

[Newspaper Cup] Researchers have designed the first totally transparent trifocal corneal inlay


Comparative Study of Numerical Methods for Solving the Fresnel Integral in Aperiodic Diffractive Lenses

Multiplexed vortex beam-based optical tweezers

Optical performance of a new design of trifocal intraocular lens based on the Devil's diffractive lens