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Castro Palacio, Juan Carlos

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Juan Carlos received his physics PhD from the Higher Institute of Technologies and Applied Sciences in Habana, Cuba in 2007. From 2007 to 2009 he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Chemical System Engineering, University of Tokyo. In the years 2011 and 2012, he worked on international cooperation projects for the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain in relation to the University of Pinar del Rio, Cuba. From 2013 to 2015, he was an assistant researcher at the Department of Chemistry, University of Basel, Switzerland. In 2015, he moved to Imperial College London where he was an associate researcher until 2018. Since when he is a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Nuclear Fusion, Technical University of Madrid. The major goal of his research focuses on the modeling of atomic-scale phenomena in molecular systems taking into account both the structure and dynamics. The aim is to explain experiments by providing insights into the subjacent mechanisms on the atomic scale. The close interaction between experiments and computer simulations is the procedure followed to make real progress in the understanding the many-body dynamics and energy confinement and relaxation processes. In this respect, the multidimensional nature of dynamics and the accurate accounting for the interactions between the atoms and molecules are fundamental issues. In this intend, molecular dynamics models, ab initio energies and different methods for representing potential energy surfaces are commonly integrated. Among the systems and phenomena of interest are the reactive collisions of few-body systems, photo-induced processes in molecular solids, transport phenomena models for pure n-alcanes and mixtures, and more recently, the simulation of plasmonic nanostructures upon irradiation with ultrashort laser pulses.

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